Wednesday, January 12, 2011

by the way, that was 2011's first post. yay for a new year.
I'm sitting here in a coffee shop trying to be productive. It's not working. I've tried to use interterm to my advantage... only one class should allow me ample time to get other things in life done, right? I think absolutely not. at all. I am failing at doing anything but working out every morning, going to class and then going to work. LAME. I want to organize my life. get things done now before I can't next semester. What is wrong with me? Why can't I be productive and uber organized? If I could tell you why, I wouldn't have written that on my blog. I want structure. I wish I was a responsible adult with my life organized in a tiny black book (I do own one....I just don't use it as I should). See, I have the tools, I just don't use them.

Give me more hours in a day. PLEASE. I'm begging you. I just want to get things done. And have time to have fun with friends and do what I want with some actual spare time. Maybe if I get super awesome I will have a routine/schedule by next semester. Maybe. HOPEFULLY. Let's aim for that.

You're holding me accountable.

my fate is in your hands.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Turns out, I should not have a blog.
I am a terrible blogger.
If anyone actually attempted to read my blog, they would vomit.
I am so inconsistent.
I feel like that goes with the state of my life right now.
It is seriously almost Christmas break and I have not blogged since BEFORE NATS.
mind you, that was WAAAAAYYYY back in November.
Awesome allison, you win the prize of suckiest blog of ALL TIME.

ok anyway, now that that is out of the way, lets move on:

I am studying for an Introduction to Biblical Studies final and it is gross.
I am also writing a paper for my least favorite class: Peace and Conflict Studies (sounds super great and interesting and beneficial to one's isn't)
now, dear reader (if you're out there), you see the motivation to look at my blog and publish a new post.
it is the mantra of my life:


of this I am a guru. If you need lessons in this area, I'm working on my doctoral thesis. I am the Magna Cum Laude of Procrastination. Its a fact. Look it up on Wikipedia. Seriously.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wow, so it has been fifty years since I've blogged... I am now an old woman. I got my AARP card today in the mail. Ok, but seriously, this is just sad. I have been so incredibly busy. ugh. Well, NATS is coming up the first weekend in November. We are going to Colorado and I'm freaking out just a little bit. Today was UBER productive...I rearranged our room [it looks totally legit], I got work done for Dale, I cleaned/organized the mod lounge, vacuumed everything (which was disgusting just so you know)

And I discovered my new weakness/decadent treat: Irish Creme Breve

it is the most fantastical coffee drink ever.

the end.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

turns out I'm a hermit. Thank you Into The Woods.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I just really love my roommate and playing music with her and Aaron Rudeen.....they are awesome and our jam sessions make me so happy. It is the perfect detox from my stressful school week. yay for beautiful friends!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

YAY! I have moved into my mod and it is lovely! The girls in it are even lovelier, it could not be better! I moved in all of my things and have been "fung shueing" (sp?) and decorating with the girls ever since Sunday. Someone walked in and said "this is like HGTV or something." I thought, no...its better. Anyway, my schedule is going to be absolutely absurd and I will be practicing for the musical non-stop. Hopefully I'll find time for you.